Vev for


Vev empowers brands and marketing teams to create, launch and optimize one-of-a-kind campaigns, landing pages and product pages that are unique to your brand.

Let's Talk

Leading editorial and commercial departments run their visual storytelling on Vev.

Plant, Eyelash, Gesture
Plant, Font

Engage with your audience unlike ever before.

Modernize your content.

With Vev, you can surpass any blockers such as rigid CMS templates, costly and timely custom development and agency costs by building more content internally and publish directly to your existing platform.

Any project built in Vev can be made into a template. Scale production by enabling marketers and editors to build projects based on templates in the content editor, involving more of your team at any time.


Face, Head, Smile, Outerwear, Shirt, Photograph, Product, Coat, Human, T-shirt

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Create content from predesigned templates or design your own from scratch. Quickly test prototypes for higher conversions and unlock new possibilities. No code needed.


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View of the Vev dashboard with multiple projects

Vev generates static files that can be hosted anywhere. Build in Vev and one-click-publish to your own CMS for a fully native feel or launch on a custom sub-domain if you want Vev to host for you.


Material property, Triangle, Rectangle

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Land lot, Urban design, Public space, Residential area, Plant, Green, Tree, Neighbourhood, Biome, Grass
Shirt, Product, Black, Human, Yellow, Sleeve, Font, T-shirt, Art
Website, Water resources, Natural environment, Ecoregion, World, Light, Nature, Plant, Vegetation, Cloud

Deliver beyond expectations.

Deliver sites and digital content beyond expectations with the combined power of no-code and code.

Many marketers are reporting that they are limited by the templates in their CMS.

With Vev, you are in control to create engaging sites and content to interact with your unique audiences.

Vev was made to scale.

Management made easy.

Whether you’re working on 10 sites or 100, you can keep track of them all from your dashboard and workspaces. Quickly access all your projects, manage your team and edit your saved templates.

View of the Vev dashboard with multiple projects

Streamline your collaboration.

Vev offers a large variety of collaborative features to streamline your production process. Co-create directly on the canvas, scale production by building your own custom templates, have developers building custom functionality in the code editor and more.

Preview of account dashboard, inviting users to your team

SEO Management

Vev gives you direct control over the SEO markup and social share preview — structured data, heading tags and custom meta tags and more gives you full control.

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Measure the performance of your sites. Use powerful marketing tools, like Google Analytics, Hotjar and Facebook Pixel or easily connect the tools you already use.

Vev features for traffic and engagement.

Deliver Beyond Expectations

Deliver sites and digital content beyond expectations with the combined power of

no-code and code.

Many marketers are reporting that they are limited by the templates in their CMS.

With Vev, you are in control to create engaging sites and content to interact with your unqiue audiences.

With Vev, designers can build fully custom and responsive experiences.
From idea to finished product in super speed and with no code.


Graphics software, Colorfulness, Hand, Product, Font, Gesture, Screenshot, Line

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Any project built in Vev can be made into a template to make reusability simple. Scale production by enabling journalists and editors to build projects based on templates in the content editor - simple enough for anyone to manage.


Face, Head, Smile, Outerwear, Shirt, Photograph, Product, Coat, Human, T-shirt

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Build in Vev and one-click-publish to your own CMS for a fully native feel, launch on a custom sub-domain or even publish to your client's own platform. The flexibility needed to expand your business model.


Material property, Triangle, Rectangle

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With Vev, designers can build fully custom and responsive experiences.
From idea to finished product in super speed and with no code.


Graphics software, Colorfulness, Hand, Product, Font, Gesture, Screenshot, Line

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Any project built in Vev can be made into a template to make reusability simple. Scale production by enabling journalists and editors to build projects based on templates in the content editor - simple enough for anyone to manage.


Face, Head, Smile, Outerwear, Shirt, Photograph, Product, Coat, Human, T-shirt

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Build in Vev and one-click-publish to your own CMS for a fully native feel, launch on a custom sub-domain or even publish to your client's own platform. The flexibility needed to expand your business model.


Material property, Triangle, Rectangle

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Made to scale

Management made easy

Whether you’re working on 10 stories or 100, you can keep track of them all from your dashboard and workspaces. Quickly access all your projects, manage your team and edit your saved templates.

Product, User interface, Project dashboard

Cross-account collaboration

Working for a client with a Vev account? Or coollaborate with a Vev certified agency? Set up a shared workspace to share access to projects and hostings across accounts.

Colorful, Shapes, 3D, Yellow

Friendly plans for scalable success.

With a Professional plan, you can work collaboratively with your team to build and manage all digital marketing material and sites.

Transparent and flexible prices give you the predictability you need to manage your marketing efforts while elevating what you create for the web.